On September 14 the Eipix HQ opened its doors to some very dear guests!

Croatia-based Reboot magazine is a well known name for anyone with even the slightest interest in video games in our region. Their dedication to regular promotion of the gamedev community and organization of the biggest annual events, most notably the Reboot InfoGamer games show and Reboot Develop conference, place them among some of the most respectable movers and shakers of the regional game development industry.

This special visit was arranged in order to film a new segment for Game Developer Studio Sessions, Reboot’s video series of game developer studio tours. For this occasion, Damir Durovic and Dario Belic talked to our chief executive officer Mirko Topalski, chief creative officer Vladimir Zivkovic, and the head of our Game Design department Nikola Rakic to get the gist of just what exactly Eipix Entertainment is all about, where it started, where it’s going, and how it plans to get there. This was coupled with some handsome shots of the still new headquarters and the busy bees of the Eipix family hard at work.


The series has spotlighted renowned studios from Croatia, Serbia, and Bosnia. It is an honor to be a part of the series raising awareness about the local game development community and showcasing how much it has grown and changed for the better in the course of a decade. We are very enthusiastic about every Reboot magazine collaboration, and look forward to seeing the final footage!

We used this opportunity to tease some of our more exotic not-so-distant future projects, so be sure to watch the video and brace yourselves for some unexpected announcements of the optimistic kind.

Before the Reboot Game Developer Studio Sessions – Eipix Entertainment goes live, you can see how the encounter unfolded with these behind-the-scenes photos.